SF Freedom School 2010 Summer Program
Last updated JUNE 17, 2010

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new: topics for July 17 and July 24 have been switched.
Guest Speakers have been confirmed.

Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm
Sessions are OPEN and FREE
drop in when you can!

9:45:  continental breakfast (free)
Mornings: Guest speakers, short films and discussions about the history
Lunch: Pot Luck (hanging out)
Afternoons: Discussions/activities exploring general principles of organizing as illustrated by the morning's history

July 10: Building the Foundations of a Movement
Guest Speaker:Wazir Peacock
Building the relationships, local leadership, structures, coalitions and hope upon which the Southern Freedom Movement would depend: 1877-1950

July 17: Student Activism in the 1960s
Guest Speaker:Bruce Hartford
Greensboro and Nashville: Exploring the preconditions (network building, training and discipline) that allowed the student sit-in movement to spread rapidly throughout the upper South.

July 24: Student Activism in the 1950s
Guest Speaker: Jean Wiley
Comparing the stories of Barbara Johns (Farmville, VA) and Fred Moore (Orangeburg, SC) to understand the key components of a successful student strike.

July 31: Freedom Rides and Freedom Summer
Guest Speaker: Miriam Glickman (Freedom School Teacher)
Students take their activism to the national stage and to the Deep South, breaking the back of Southern Apartheid and replacing fear with pride.

August 7: Student Activism at SF State College in 1968
Guest Speaker: Clarence Thomas (SFSU BSU)
Why student activists must go OFF-campus to be successful On-campus!

August 14: Did the Freedom Movement End in 1965?
Guest Speaker:Phil Hutchings
The Southern Freedom Movement as the “Borning Movement:” Black Power, Free Speech, Radical Women, Farm Workers, Gay Rights, Environmentalism and more….
Fishbowl in afternoon (current day activists talking about what needs to be done today)