SF Summer Freedom School Program 2010
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St. Francis Lutheran Church Parish Hall
152 Church Street, SF
(between Market and Duboce, across from Safeway)
Civic Center BART, then K, L, M, N, or F to Church Street station.
BUSES: #22 and #37
August 14th
10:00 a.m. - 10:15:
Registration, browsing SFFS resources (films and books), noshing and
10:15 - 10:45: Welcome, Agenda
review, Introductions
10:45 - 11:05: Film, A Short
History of SNCC (excerpts from Force More Powerful's When We Were
Warriors, Eyes on the Prize, Scarred
11:15 - 1:15: Guest Speaker: Phil
SNCC, 1963-70, Georgia, Maryland,
Phil was one of the most effective urban organizers of the Sixties
and Seventies. In 1966, he was the leading SNCC field secretary in Newark,
NJ--"the urban Mississippi." Phil became a national SNCC leader
in 1968. He was actively involved in the anti-Vietnam War and peace movements
and was one of the founders of the Venceramos Brigade. For many years, Phil
lived in Detroit where he was involved in organizing young people around issues
of education, community control of educational institutions and drug abuse. He
was a regular columnist for the Guardian
newspaper and a board member of PRSC, an organization in support of
independence for Puerto Rico. After moving to the Bay Area of San Francisco, he
has worked on organizing multi-racial/multi-ethnic coalitions (e.g., Black Alliance for Just Immigration,
and Just Cause),
neighborhood organizing and serves as a technical and financial consultant for
non profit organizations. He was the grants director for the Vanguard
Foundation. He is an active participant in the Bay Area Veterans of the Civil
Rights Movement and consultant to neighborhood organizations.
1:15 - 2:00 Potluck Lunch
2:00 - 3:30: FISHBOWL:
Confirmed Participants: Javier Reyes; Rita
Papini; Jardyn Lake
moderated by Cathy Cade
3:30 - 3:50: Activity (a chance to express your artistic talent!)
3:50 - 4 pm: Appreciations