Welcome! To the San Francisco Freedom School Book List Last updated: May 26, 2010 Questions? Contact Us! to borrow (curriculum material is available upon request) |
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Picture (left) is from a COFO flyer promoting participation in Mississippi Freedom Summer (1964). Freedom Schools and Community Centers were among the many alternative institutions created to support voter registration drives and the creation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. The SF Freedom School is inspired by the 1964 MS Freedom Schools. |
Also see: African American Freedom Struggle in Children’s Literature
Also see: Civil Rights History using Gateway (historically accurate picture) books.
African American History(back to top) | |||
Mississippi: An American Journey (history of Mississippi) | Anthony Dalton | Alfred Knopf | 1996 |
100 Years of Negro Freedom | Arna Bontemps | Dodd, Mead | 1961 |
Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement | Barbara Ransby | UNorth Carolina Press | 2003 |
The Strange Career of Jim Crow | C. Vann Woodward | Oxford Univ Press, New York | 1974 |
American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia | Edmund Morgan | New York | 1975 |
Short History of Reconstruction | Eric Foner | New York | 1984 |
Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896-1920 | Glenda E. Gilmore | Chapel Hill | 1996 |
Essays in the History of the American Negro (1526-1865) | Herbert Aptheker | International Publishers | 1964 |
Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America | Ira Berlin | Cambridge | 1998 |
From Slavery to Freedom: A history of negro Americans | J.H. Franklin & A. Moss Jr. | McGraw Hill | 1988 |
Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work and the Family, from Slavery to the Present | Jacqueline Jones | Vintage Books, New York | 1986 |
In Hope of Liberty: Culture, Community and Protest Among Northern Free Blacks 1700-1860 | James and Lois Horton | New York | 1997 |
Holy Warriors: the abolitionists and american slavery | James B. Stewart | Hill and Wang | 1996 |
ïThey SayÍ : Ida B. Wells and the Reconstruction of Race | James W. Davidson | Oxford | 2007 |
Black Manhattan | James Weldon Johnson | Da Capo Press | 1991 |
Reconstruction; After the Civil War | John Hope Franklin | U of Chicago Press, Chicago | 1961 |
The Silent Army of Abolitionism: Ordinary Women in the Anti-Slavery Movement | Julie Joy Jeffrey | Chapel Hill | 1998 |
The Peculiar Institution | Kenneth Stampp | Alfred A. Knopf, New York | 1978 |
The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877 | Kenneth Stampp | Vintage Books, New York | 1965 |
Americans and the California Dream: 1850-1915 | Kevin Starr | Oxford | 1973 |
Thurgood Marshall: Warrior at the Bar, Rebel on the Bench | M. Davis & H. Clark | Citadel Press | 1994 |
The NAACPÍs Legal Strategy against Segregated Education: 1925-1950 | Mark Tushnet | Chapel Hill | 1987 |
America's Black Congressmen: The Stories of 34 Blacks who served in Congress 1870-1970 | Maurine Christopher | Thomas Y. Crowell Comp., New York | 1971 |
Simple Justice: The history of Brown v. Board and black AmericaÍs struggle for Equality | Richard Kluger | Vintage | 1977 |
American Babylon: Race and the Struggle for Postwar Oakland | Robert O. Self | Princeton | 2003 |
American Reformers: 1815-1860 | Ronald Walters | Hill and Wang | 1997 |
The Black New Yorkers:: 400 Years of African American History | Schomburg Ilustr chronology | Wiley | 2000 |
The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner's Fierce Rebellion | Stephen Oates | New American Library, New York | 1975 |
Harlem Renaissance: Art of Black America | Studio Museum of Harlam | Abradale Press | 1987 |
There is a River: The Black Struggle for Freedom [from slavery] in America | Vincent Harding | Harcourt Brace | 1981 |
Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market | Walter Johnson | Cambridge | 1999 |
Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves and the making of the American Revolution in Virginia | Woody Holton | Chapel Hill | 1999 |
The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women's Political Culture in Antebellum America | Yellin et al. eds | Ithaca | 1994 |
20th Century History / Sociology (back to top) | |||
Propaganda and Aesthetics: The Literary Politics of African -American Magazines in the 20th Century | A.A Johnosn & R.M. Johnson | U Mass Press | 1979 |
Black San Francisco: The Struggle for Racial Equality in the West, 1900-1954 | Albert Broussard | Lawrence | 1993 |
In Search of our MothersÍ Garden | Alice Walker | HBJ | 1983 |
Climbing Jacobs Ladder: The Enduring Legacy of African American Families | Andrew Billingsley | New York | 1992 |
Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal | Andrew Hacker | New York | 1992 |
Art on My Mind: visual politics | bell hooks | New Press | 1995 |
The Negro in the Making of America | Benjamin Quarles | Collier Books, New York | 1964 |
Black Lives, White Lives: Three decades of race relations in white America (since 1968) | Bob Blauner | UC Berkeley Press | 1989 |
All Our Kin: Stragtegies for Survival in a Black Community | Carol B. Stack | Harper Torchbooks, New York | 1975 |
WEB DuBois: Biography of a Race 1869-1919 | David Levering Lewis | New York | 1993 |
Sacred Pampering Principles: An African-American Women's Guide to Self-care and Inner Renewal | Debrena Jackson Gandy | Quill, New York | 1997 |
Protest, Politics and Prosperity: Black Americans and White Institutions 1940-75 | Dorothy Newman et al | Pantheon Books, New York | 1978 |
Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America | Geneva Smitherman | Wayne State | 1977 |
Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 | George Sanchez | Oxford | 1993 |
"Shut those Thick Lips" A Study of Slum School Failure | Gerry Rosenfeld | Waveland Press, Prospect Heights IL | 1983 |
Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights 1919 - 1950 | Glenda E. Gilmore | Norton | 2008 |
A New Deal for Blacks: The Emergence of the CRM as a National Issue: The Depression Decade | Harvard Sitkoff | Oxford Univ Press, Oxford | 1978 |
Afro American History: The Modern Era | Herbert Aptheker | Citadel Press, Secaucus NJ | 1971 |
Colorbling Injustice: Minority Voting Rights and the Undoing of the Second Reconstruction | J. Morgan Kousser | Chapel Hill | 1999 |
Democracy is in the Streets: From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago | James Miller | Harvard | 1994 |
Race, Space, and Riots: chicago (1919 v 1968), new york (1935 v1945) and los angeles (65 v 92) | Janet Abu-Lughod | Oxford | 2007 |
Darwin's Athlete: How Sport has damaged Black America and preserved the Myth of Race | John Hoberman | Boston | 1997 |
Drylongso: A Self-Portrait of Black America | John Langston Gwaltney | Vintage Books, New York | 1981 |
The Miner' s Canary: Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy | L. Guinier & G Torres | Harvard | 2002 |
Making Malcolm: The myth and meaning of Malcolm X | Michael Eric Dyson | Oxford | 1995 |
Know What I Mean? Reflections on Hip Hop | Michael Eric Dyson | Basic | 2007 |
Is Bill Cosby Right? (or hs the black middle class lost its mind?) | Michael Eric Dyson | Basic | 2005 |
The Other America | Michael Harrington | ||
Radical Equations: Math Literacy and Civil Rights | Moses and Cobb | Boston | 2001 |
The Promise Land: The Great Blck Migration and how it Changed America | Nicholas Lemann | New York | 1992 |
The Elusive Eden: A new history of California | Richard Rice et al | McGraw | 1996 |
The South goes North: Vol 3 of Children of Crisis | Robert Coles | Atlantic Monthly Press, Boston | 1969 |
The Negro in American Life and History: A Resource Book for teachers | Robert Jenkins | San Francisco USD | 1967 |
American Babylon: Race and the Struggle for Postwar Oakland | Robert O. Self | Princeton | 2003 |
The Way the Wind Blew: a history of the Weather Underground | Ron Jacobs | Verso | 1997 |
Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans | Ronald Takaki | Penguin | 1989 |
Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the CRM and the New Left | Sarah Evans | New York | 1980 |
SCLC National Magazine May/June 1997 | SCLC | SCLC | 1997 |
One Blood: The Death and Resurrection of Charles Drew | Spencie Love | UNC Press | 1996 |
In the Time of the Right: Reflection on Liberation | Suzanne Pharr | Chardon Press | 1996 |
The Origins of the Urban Crisis: RAce and Inequality in Postwar Detroit | Thomas Sugrue | Princeton | 2005 |
Hope and History | Vincent Harding | Orbis | 1991 |
Katrina's Legacy | Eric Mann | ||
Racism (back to top) | |||
Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? and other conversations about Race | Beverly D Tatum | Basic | 1997 |
Race Matters | Cornel West | Boston | 1993 |
Keeping Faith: Philosophy and Race in America | Cornel West | New York | 1993 |
Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism | Derrick Bell | Basic Books, New York | 1992 |
Racism: A short History | George Fredrickson | Pinceton | 2002 |
Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class and Environmental Protest | Robert Bullard | Westview Press, Boulder CO | 1990 |
The Souls of Black Folks (edited by Gates and Oliver) | WEB DuBois | New York | 1999 |
Document Collections (back to top) | |||
Eyes on the Prize Civil Rights Reader | Clayborne Carson et al, ed | New York | 1991 |
Voices of Freedom - Oral History of CRM | Hampton and Fayer, eds | New York | 1990 |
The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. | James Washington, ed. | Harper Collins | 1986 |
Black Protest: History, Documents and Analysis 1619 to present | Joanne Grant | Faucet Premier, New York | 1968 |
My Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Voices of the Civil Rights Experience | Juan Williams, ed. | AARP/Sterling | 2004 |
In White America: A Documentary Play | Martin Duberman | Cambridge | 1964 |
Mississippi Freedom Summer (Document collection) | McClymer | Belmont | 2004 |
The Oxford Frederick Douglass Reader | William Andrews, ed. | Oxford | 1996 |
Civil Rights Movement (back to top) | |||
The Closed Their Schools: Prince Edward County, VA, 1951-1964 | Bob Smith | Chapel Hill | 1965 |
The Civil Rights Movement: An Illustrated History | Brenda Wilkinson | Crescent Books | 1997 |
Oh, Freedom!: Kids Talk About the Civil Rights Movement with the People who Made it Happen | Casey King, Linda B. Osborne | Alfred Knopf | 1997 |
Pure Fire: Self-Defense as Activism in the Civil Rights Era | Christopher Strain | UGeorgia Press | 2005 |
In Struggle: SNCC and Black Awakening | Clayborne Carson | Harvard U Press, Cambridge | 1981 |
Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement | Connie Curry et al | Athens | 2000 |
Civil Rights History from the Ground Up: Local Struggles, A National Movement | Emilye Crosby | U Georgia Press | 2011 |
Breach of Peace: portraits of the 1961 Mississippi Freedom Riders | Eric Etheridge | Atlas and Co. | 2008 |
Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement | Danny Lyon | Univ of North Carolina Press | 1992 |
Carry Me Home, Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution | Diane McWhorter | Touchstone | 2001 |
Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists tell their Stories | Ellen Levine | New York | 1993 |
Bloody Lowndes: civil rights and black power in alabama's black belt | Hasan Kwame Jeffries | NYU | 2009 |
Walking with the Wind - A Memoir of the Movement | John Lewis | New York | 1998 |
Eyes on the Prize: Amerrica's Civil Rights Years 1954-1965 | Juan Williams | New York | 1987 |
Free at Last: A History of the Civil Rights Movement and Those who Died in the Struggle | Julian Bond, editor | Southern Poverty Law Center | 1990 |
Freedom's Teacher: The Life of Septima Clark | Katherine M Charron | UNC | 2009 |
Freedom's Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the CRM 1830-1970 | Lynne Olson | New York | 2001 |
Up South: Civil rights and black power in Philadelphia | Matthew Countryman | UPenn | 2006 |
Everybody Says Freedom: A history of the civil rights movement in songs and pictures | Peter Seeger & Bob Reiser | Norton | 1989 |
Freedom Riders: 1961 and the struggle for riacial justice | Raymond Arsenault | Oxford | 2006 |
Civil Rights: The 1960s Freedom Struggle | Rhoda Lois Blumberg | Twayne Publishers | 1984 |
Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 55-63 | Taylor Branch | New York | 1988 |
Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 63-65 | Taylor Branch | New York | 1998 |
At Canaan's Edge : American in the King Years 65-68 | Taylor Branch | New York | |
Sweet Land of Liberty: The forgotten struggle for civil rights in the North | Thomas J. Sugrue | Random House | 2009 |
Mississippi and Freedom Summer (back to top) | |||
Radical Equations: Math Literacy and Civil Rights | Bob Moses and Charlie Cobb | Beacon Press, Boston | 2001 |
I've Got the Light of Freedom | Charles Payne | UCal Press | 2007 |
Freshwater Road (Novel about Freedom Summer) | Denise Nicholas | Chicago | 2005 |
Faces of Freedom Summer (Photo Collection) | Herbert Randall, Bobs Tusa | Tuscaloosa | 2001 |
Mississippi: The Closed Society | James Silver | Harcourt Brace and World | 1964 |
Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi | John Dittmer | Urbana | 1995 |
Mississippi Freedom Summer (Document collection) | John McClymer | Belmont | 2004 |
Freedom Summer | Sally Belfrage | Charlottesville | 1965 |
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Anthology of the Missisppi CRM | Susie Ehrenrich ed | Montgomery | 1999 |
Letters from Mississippi | Sutherland Martinez | Brookline | 2002 |
Three Lives for Mississippi (foreword by Martin Luther King) | William Bradford Huie | Signet | 1968 |
The Children Bob Moses Led: A Novel of Freedom Summer | William Heath | Minneapolis | 1995 |
Women (back to top) | |||
In Search of Our MotherÍs Gardens | Alice Walker | HBJ | 1983 |
Deep in Our Hearts: Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement | Connie Curry et al | Athens | 2000 |
We Are your Sisters: Black Women in the Nineteenth Century | Dorothy Sterling, editor | Norton | 1984 |
Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896-1920 | Glenda E. Gilmore | Chapel Hill | 1996 |
Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work and the Family, from Slavery to the Present | Jacqueline Jones | Vintage Books, New York | 1986 |
The Silent Army of Abolitionism: Ordinary Women in the Anti-Slavery Movement | Julie Joy Jeffrey | Chapel Hill | 1998 |
Freedom's Teacher: The Life of Septima Clark | Katherine M Charron | UNC | 2009 |
Freedom's Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the CRM 1830-1970 | Lynne Olson | New York | 2001 |
Black and White Sat Down Together: The Reminiscenses of an NAACP Founder | Mary White Ovington | Feminist Press CUNY | 1995 |
Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap between black women and white women | Midege Wilson & Kathy Russell | Anchor Books | 1996 |
Women in the Civil Rights Movement: Trailblazers and Torchbearers, 1941-1965 | V. Crawford et al, eds. | Indiana Upress | 1993 |
The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women's Political Culture in Antebellum America | Yellin et al. eds | Ithaca | 1994 |
Memoirs / First Person Accounts (back to top) | |||
Autobiography of Malcolm X | Alex Haley | New York | 1964 |
Coming of Age in Mississippi | Anne Moody | New York | 1968 |
Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement | Dany Lyon | UNC Press | 1992 |
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | Frederick Douglass | Signet Classics | 1968 |
The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It | Jo Ann Gibson Robinson | Tennessee | 1987 |
Walking with the Wind - A Memoir of the Movement | John Lewis | New York | 1998 |
Death at an Early Age | Jonathan Kozol | Plume | 1967 |
Stride Toward Freedom | Martin Luther King, Jr. | ||
Black and White Sat Down Together: The Reminiscences of an NAACP Founder | Mary White Ovington | Feminist Press CUNY | 1995 |
Warriors DonÍt Cry | Melba Beals | Washington Square Press | 1994 |
Here I Stand | Paul Robeson | Beacon Press | 1998 |
Prairie Radical: A Journey through the Sixties (1963-67) | Robert Pardun | Shire Press | 2001 |
Freedom Summer | Sally Belfrage | Charlottesville | 1965 |
Legacy of a Freedom School | Sandra Adickes | New York | 2005 |
Ready for Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael | Stokely Carmichael | Scribner | 2003 |
The Confessions of Nat Turner | William Styron | ||
Fiction / Literature (back to top) | |||
Freshwater Road (Novel about Freedom Summer) | Denise Nicholas | Chicago | 2005 |
In White America: A Documentary Play | Martin Duberman | Cambridge | 1964 |
I Know why the Caged Bird Sings | Maya Angelou | New York | 1970 |
Kindred | Octavia Butler | Beacon Press, Boston | 1979 |
Beloved | Toni Morrison | New York | 1988 |
Jazz | Toni Morrison | New York | 1993 |
The Children Bob Moses Led: A Novel of Freedom Summer | William Heath | Minneapolis | 1995 |
Their Eyes Were Watching God | Zora Neale Hurston | New York | 1937 |
Children and Young Adults (back to top) | |||
Oh, Freedom! : Kids Talk about the Civil Rights Movement with the People who Made it Happen | Casey King, Linda B. Osborne | Alfred Knopf | 1997 |
Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists tell their Stories | Ellen Levine | New York | 1993 |
Remember: The Journey to School Desegregation | Toni Morrison | Boston | 2004 |
Freedom Summer (Picture book) | Wiles and Laggarigue | New York | 2001 |
Teaching Materials (back to top) | |||
Freedom's Unfinished Revolution: An Inquiry into the Civil War and Reconstruction | American Social History Project | New Press | 1996 |
Eyes on the Prized: teaching edition for television documentary | Blackside | ||
Teaching the American CRM: Freedom's Bittersweet Song | Armstrong et al, eds | New York | 2002 |
Civil Rights Movement for Kids: A History with 21 Activities | Mary Tuck | Chicago | 2000 |
Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching | Menkart et al, eds | 2004 | |
Hope and History | Vincent Harding | Orbis | 1991 |
Organizing (back to top) | |||
A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict | Ackerman and Duvall | St Martin's Press, New York | 2000 |
Race, Poverty and the Environment (journal, various issues) | |||
Poor People's Movements: Why they Succeed, How they Fail | Fox Piven and Cloward | Vintage Books, New York | 1979 |
Why Organizers Fail: The story of a rent strike | Harry Brill | UC Berkeley Press | 1971 |
The Revolution Will not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex | Incite! Ed. | South End Press | 2007 |
The Civil Disobedience Handbook | James Tracy, ed | Manic D Press, San Francisco | 2002 |
Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism | Joan Roelofs | SUNY | 2003 |
Organizing for Social Change | Kimberley A. Bobo et al | Seven Locks Press, Santa Ana | 1991 |
Making a New Deal: Industrical Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 | Lizabeth Cohen | Cambridge | 1990 |
From the Grassroots: Social and Political Assays Towards African American Liberation | Manning Marable | South End Press, Boston | 1980 |
A Community Organizer's Tale: People and Power in San Francisco | Mike Miller | HeyDay | 2009 |
Democracy and Nonviolence: The role of the individual in world crisis (foreword by A. J. Muste, Introduction by James Farmer) | Ralph Templin | Porter Sargent | 1965 |
Storefront Organizing | Sam Brown | Pyramid | |
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals | Saul Alinsky | Vintage Books, New York | 1972 |
From ACT UP to the WTO | Shepard and Hayduck, eds | Verso, London | 2002 |
Which Side Are you on: Trying to be for Labor When it's Flat on its Back | Thomas Geoghegan | Plume Book, London | 1992 |
Hope and History | Vincent Harding | Orbis | 1991 |
The Activist's Handbook | Randy Shaw | ||
Towards Land, Work and Power | POWER | ||
Education (back to top) | |||
No Contest: The Case against Competition - Why we loose in our Race to Win | Alfie Kohn | Houghton Mifflin, Boston | 1986 |
Taking it Personally: Racism in the Classroom from Kindergarden to College | Berlack and Moyenda | Philadelphia | 2001 |
Democracy and the Arts of Schooling | Donald Arnstine | SUNY Press, New York | 1995 |
"Shut those Thick Lips" A Study of Slum School Failure | Gerry Rosenfeld | Waveland Press, Prospect Heights IL | 1983 |
Critical Teaching and Everyday Life | Ira Shor | South End Press, Boston | 1980 |
Radical Possibilities: Public Policy, Urban Education, and a New Social Movement | Jean Anyon | New York | 2005 |
Democracy and Education | John Dewey | Free Press, New York | 1916 |
The Night is Dark and I Am far from Home: A Political Indictment of the US Public Schools | Jonathan Kozol | Continuum, New York | 1986 |
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools | Jonathan Kozol | Harper Perennial, New York | 1991 |
The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America | Jonathan Kozol | New York | 2005 |
Death at an Early Age | Jonathan Kozol | Plume | 1967 |
Freedom's Teacher: The Life of Septima Clark | Katherine M Charron | UNC | 2009 |
Rethinkinhg Schools: An Agenda for Change | Levine et al, eds | New Press, New York | 1995 |
Radical Equations: Math Literacy and Civil Rights | Moses and Cobb | Boston | 2001 |
The Long Haul: An Autobiography | Myles Horton | Teachers College Press, New York | 1998 |