PLSI 200.11 Paper Topics, Fall  2007

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Submit Paper Topics by October 22 (hard copy or email attachment)


Choose one of the following four topics for your research paper OR CREATE YOUR OWN. See the Research Paper Guidelines sheet (linked on the course web page) for more details on writing your paper.


1. Activist courts:  The Supreme Court has been accused by some of being an activist court.  What do you think is the proper role of the Court?  Does the Court make policy through its decisions?  Should it?  Who should the Supreme Court represent?  Whose interests do you think they should act on, and why?  If you wish, you may use a relatively recent case (any case after 1980, other than Bush v Gore 2000) as an example as you critically discuss judicial activism and the proper representative role of the court.


2. Media and politics:  Some people criticize the mass media for contributing to a general dissatisfaction with, and distrust of, the government.  They say that dramatizing political news and focusing on conflict contribute to citizensÕ jaded perception of government.  Others claim that mediated news about politics is not critical enough, that mainstream news sources are too supportive of the status quo.  Critically assess the proper role of the media in the U.S., in regard to its coverage of politics.  Be sure to consider market forces in your discussion.


3. Presidential primary elections:  Our presidential primary system is complex and gives some states more voice than others in the process of choosing a partyÕs nominee.  Consider CaliforniaÕs role in the process as you critically discuss one reform option for presidential primaries.  Argue either for or against the present system, and focus on how the structure of the primaries influences the degree to which various constituencies are ultimately represented by the president.


4. Group representation, U.S. House seats:  In recent decades some gains have been made in the descriptive representation of women and people of color in the House of Representatives.  But the House still does a poor job of reflecting some of the demographics of the nation.  Does this matter?  Using the U.S. House as an example, discuss the distinction between descriptive and substantive representation.  Critically review both approaches, and argue for one or the other in the case of the U.S. House.


OR --- CREATE YOUR OWN TOPIC, You will have to do some research first to effectively follow the model set by the above four questions. 


Some ideas for topics (donÕt feel confined by these):